Име и презиме: др Драгана Ј. Станић-Вучинић
Звање: научни саветник
Назив институције у којој наставник ради са пуним радним временом: Универзитет у Београду - Хемијски факултет (Београд)
Ужа научна област: Биохемија
Академска каријера Година Институција Област
Избор у звање 2015. Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја (Београд) Биохемија
Докторат 2009. Универзитет у Београду - Хемијски факултет (Београд) Биохемија
Диплома 2001. Универзитет у Београду - Хемијски факултет (Београд) Биохемија
Списак предмета које наставник држи у текућој школској години
  Назив предмета Врста студија
1. Одабрана поглавља из ензимологије (473B1) докторске академске студије
2. Писање и објављивање научних радова (770A1) докторске академске студије
Репрезентативне референце
  1. Minic, Simeon; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Radomirovic, Mirjana; Radibratovic, Milica; Milcic, Milos; Nikolic, Milan; Cirkovic Velickovic, Tanja: Characterization and effects of binding of food-derived bioactive phycocyanobilin to bovine serum albumin; Food Chemistry (2018), 239, 1090-1099.
  2. Radibratovic, Milica; Minic, Simeon; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Nikolic, Milan; Milcic, Milos; Velickovic, Tanja Cirkovic: Stabilization of human serum albumin by the binding of phycocyanobilin, a bioactive chromophore of blue-green Alga Spirulina: molecular dynamics and experimental study; PLoS One (2016), 11(12), e0167973/1-e0167973/18.
  3. Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Stojadinovic, Marija; Mirkov, Ivana; Apostolovic, Danijela; Burazer, Lidija; Atanaskovic-Markovic, Marina; Kataranovski, Milena; Cirkovic Velickovic, Tanja: Hypoallergenic acid-sensitive modification preserves major mugwort allergen fold and delivers full repertoire of MHC class II-binding peptides during endolysosomal degradation; RSC Advances (2016), 6(91), 88216-88228.
  4. Apostolovic, Danijela; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; de Jongh, Harmen H. J.; de Jong, Govardus A. H.; Mihailovic, Jelena; Radosavljevic, Jelena; Radibratovic, Milica; Nordlee, Julie A.; Baumert, Joseph L.; Milcic, Milos; Taylor, Steve L.; Garrido Clua, Nuria; Cirkovic Velickovic, Tanja; Koppelman, Stef J.: Conformational stability of digestion-resistant peptides of peanut conglutins reveals the molecular basis of their allergenicity; Scientific Reports (2016), 6, 29249.
  5. Al-Hanish, Ayah; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Mihailovic, Jelena; Prodic, Ivana; Minic, Simeon; Stojadinovic, Marija; Radibratovic, Milica; Milcic, Milos; Cirkovic Velickovic, Tanja: Noncovalent interactions of bovine α-lactalbumin with green tea polyphenol, epigalocatechin-3-gallate; Food Hydrocolloids (2016), 61, 241-250.
  6. Minic, Simeon L.; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Mihailovic, Jelena; Krstic, Maja; Nikolic, Milan R.; Cirkovic Velickovic, Tanja: Digestion by pepsin releases biologically active chromopeptides from C-phycocyanin, a blue-colored biliprotein of microalga Spirulina; Journal of Proteomics (2016), 147, 132-139.
  7. Minic, Simeon L.; Milcic, Milos; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Radibratovic, Milica; Sotiroudis, Theodore G.; Nikolic, Milan R.; Velickovic, Tanja Cirkovic: Phycocyanobilin, a bioactive tetrapyrrolic compound of blue-green alga Spirulina, binds with high affinity and competes with bilirubin for binding on human serum albumin; RSC Advances (2015), 5(76), 61787-61798.
  8. Vesic, Jelena; Stambolic, Ivan; Apostolovic, Danijela; Milcic, Milos; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Cirkovic Velickovic, Tanja: Complexes of green tea polyphenol, epigalocatechin-3-gallate, and 2S albumins of peanut; Food Chemistry (2015), 185, 309-317.
  9. Perusko, Marija; Al-Hanish, Ayah; Cirkovic Velickovic, Tanja; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana: Macromolecular crowding conditions enhance glycation and oxidation of whey proteins in ultrasound-induced Maillard reaction; Food Chemistry (2015), 177, 248-257.
  10. Krstic, Maja; Stojadinovic, Marija; Smiljanic, Katarina; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Cirkovic Velickovic, Tanja: The anti-cancer activity of green tea, coffee and cocoa extracts on human cervical adenocarcinoma HeLa cells depends on both pro-oxidant and anti-proliferative activities of polyphenols; RSC Advances (2015), 5(5), 3260-3268.
  11. Apostolovic, Danijela; Luykx, Dion; Warmenhoven, Hans; Verbart, Dennis; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; de Jong, Govardus A. H.; Velickovic, Tanja Cirkovic; Koppelman, Stef J.: Reduction and alkylation of peanut allergen isoforms Ara h 2 and Ara h 6; characterization of intermediate- and end products; Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Proteins and Proteomics (2013), 1834(12), 2832-2842.
  12. Ognjenovic, Jana; Milcic-Matic, Natalija; Smiljanic, Katarina; Vuckovic, Olga; Burazer, Lidija; Popovic, Nikola; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Velickovic, Tanja Cirkovic: Immunoproteomic characterization of Ambrosia artemisiifolia pollen allergens in canine atopic dermatitis; Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology (2013), 155(1-2), 38-47.
  13. Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Velickovic, Tanja Cirkovic: The modifications of bovine β-lactoglobulin - effects on its structural and functional properties; Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2013), 78(3), 445-461.
  14. Djokic, Jelena; Ninkov, Marina; Aleksandrov, Aleksandra Popov; Mirkov, Ivana; Subota, Vesna; Mihajlovic, Luka; Stojadinovic, Marija; Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Kataranovski, Dragan; Kataranovski, Milena: Strain differences in the toxicity of the vitamin K antagonist warfarin in rats; Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2013), 78(3), 381-394.
  15. Stanic-Vucinic, Dragana; Prodic, Ivana; Apostolovic, Danijela; Nikolic, Milan; Cirkovic Velickovic, Tanja: Structure and antioxidant activity of β-lactoglobulin-glycoconjugates obtained by high-intensity-ultrasound-induced Maillard reaction in aqueous model systems under neutral conditions; Food Chemistry (2013), 138(1), 590-599.
Збирни подаци научне и стручне активности наставника
Укупан број цитата: 480
Укупан број радова са SCI (SSCI) листе: 38
Тренутно учешће на пројектима: Домаћи: 2 Међународни: 1

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